Our Goal is to Save Lives.

"The hospitals that embrace our technology can improve mortality and mitigate patient risk."

  This video testimonial tells the journey of Kevin Kronmiller, who was diagnosed with liver disease at the age of 22 and was told he had five years to live without a transplant. Kevin beat the odds, but at age 50 a transplant became necessary. Following surgery, Kevin went into septic shock and twice needed to be resuscitated. Having survived liver disease and a transplant, Kevin was now given only a 30% chance of surviving sepsis. Using Ambient Clinical Analytic’s AWARE Sepsis DART™ software, doctors were able to identify the right antibiotics to save Kevin’s life. Kevin, again beat the odds, and six weeks later was living a healthy, normal life.To learn the full story, click here

State of Sepsis today

Sepsis strikes more than a million Americans each year and up to 50% of these people may die, more than the number of US deaths from prostate cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS combined. Sepsis results in prolonged stays in the ICU and requires complex therapies. Sepsis is the most expensive condition to treat, an estimated cost of $20 billion in 2011 in the United States alone.

Sepsis DART

As the patient moves, Sepsis DART moves with them, from the ED to the ICU, from the ICU to the hospital floor. Then, more importantly, Sepsis DART monitors and clearly communicates delivery of the sepsis treatment bundle to the entire sepsis rescue team to improve care delivery in the critical first 6 hours per CMS guidelines. Sepsis DART enhances communications and care coordination oversight across your institution. Sepsis DART provides both control tower oversight and at the patient bedside to keep the entire sepsis rescue team on the same page for the best patient outcome.

Sepsis DART Advantage

  • Both alerts & treatment monitoring
  • Follows the patient between department & facility transfers
  • Intuitive & customizable
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