Improve Sepsis Ourcomes, Reduce Costs.

Sepsis DART™ is a real-time clinical decision support tool used in any acute care setting identifying potential sepsis conditions when they occur and guiding the care team through the process of care. Sepsis DART™ graphically tracks delivery of time sensitive sepsis treatment. Sepsis DART™ iOS now allows physicians and nurses to use a iPhone or iPad to monitor treatment protocols and guide the care team through detection and the care process itself.

To learn more about how AWARE™ Sepsis DART can be a part of your hospital, download our brochure for more information!

hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "3938218", formId: "32cdae3d-7cfd-43f8-899a-aa73078df75f" }); Sepsis DART™ is a real-time clinical decision support tool

The Sepsis DART Advantage

  • Sepsis alert & treatment monitoring
  • Follows the patient between department & facility transfers
  • Intuitive & customizable
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