Ambient’s Sepsis Solution Helps Solve Sepsis Alert Errors

Technology Created for Sepsis Detection

What is Sepsis, and What are the Current Sepsis Solutions Available

Sepsis, a life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, amputations, organ failure, and death, is the leading cause of hospital mortality, resulting in over 11,000,000 global deaths and 250,000 U.S. deaths annually. This condition also leads to significant healthcare costs, totaling $62 billion annually. Despite its severity, accurate detection of sepsis is challenging, with less than half of patients receiving timely and correct treatment. This highlights the urgent need for advanced sepsis solutions to improve detection and treatment outcomes. Discover how Ambient Clinical Analytics' sepsis solution can make a difference.

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Challenges in Developing an Effective Sepsis Solution

High Mortality and Costs
Sepsis and septic shock result in over 250,000 deaths annually and cost $24 billion in the U.S. alone. Sepsis can be incredibly expensive due to prolonged ICU stays requiring intensive monitoring and specialized care, the use of expensive medications and therapies, extensive and frequent diagnostic testing, and the involvement of multiple healthcare specialists. Long-term care for survivors, who often face ongoing health issues and high readmission rates, further increases the costs.

Inadequate Detection Tools
Due to black box algorithm limitations, existing sepsis alert systems often fail, producing false positives and negatives. This leads to inappropriate treatment and missed opportunities for early intervention. The high rate of false alerts desensitizes healthcare providers, causing them to ignore even accurate sepsis alerts, negatively impacting patient outcomes.

Limitations of Current Sepsis Solutions
Many sepsis detection algorithms are not tailored to different hospital units, resulting in ineffective alerts. Sensitive algorithms may generate too many false positives in specific settings, while others miss sepsis cases. Current sepsis solutions often lack integration with EHR workflows and fail to automate necessary clinical therapies, leading to user errors and incomplete treatment.

Ambient's Sepsis DART™: A Comprehensive Sepsis Solution

Real-Time Monitoring and Communication
Sepsis DART™ monitors all aspects of sepsis treatment bundles, ensuring timely communication and coordination among healthcare providers while reducing errors and omissions. Research from the Mayo Clinic demonstrates that Sepsis DART™ improves compliance with sepsis treatment guidelines and reduces the effort required for data abstraction and reporting. Ambient’s sepsis solution integrates seamlessly with EHR workflows, providing targeted Smart Notifications™ that reduce alert fatigue and improve clinician efficiency.

Key Benefits of Implementing Ambient's Sepsis DART™

Increased Clinician Efficiency
Automating sepsis detection, notification, and management with an useful sepsis solution reduces the need for manual data entry and additional clinicians for monitoring, allowing clinicians to make informed treatment decisions quickly.

Proven Cost Savings
Sepsis DART™ can save hospitals up to $1 million annually by reducing the length of hospital stays and readmissions, while improving adherence to the CMS sepsis bundle requirements.

Enhanced Clinical Efficacy
With real-time data visualization and clinical decision support and analytics, providers can automate the tracking of patient progress and make data-driven decisions, improving patient outcomes leading to higher job satisfaction and efficiency among healthcare providers.

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Conclusion Investing in a comprehensive sepsis solution like Ambient's FDA-approved AWARE™ platform which includes Sepsis DART™, can significantly improve the quality of care for septic patients. By addressing the limitations of current sepsis alert systems, reducing alarm fatigue, and providing clear guidance for treatment, Sepsis DART™ enhances clinician efficiency, reduces costs, and ultimately saves lives. Implementing the right sepsis solution is crucial for improving patient outcomes and effectively managing this life-threatening condition.