Sepsis DART™
Sepsis DART™️ is an end-to-end sepsis alert system that guides care and rapid response teams through the sepsis process of care in any acute care. Sepsis DART™ informs clinicians of potential sepsis, graphically tracks the delivery of care and uses remote patient monitoring to improve timeliness and eliminate errors in treating sepsis patients.

Sepsis DART™ guides care teams through the sepsis process of care. With our configurable sepsis alert algorithms, Sepsis DART™ informs clinicians of potential sepsis conditions and provides smart notifications to improve critical timeliness of care and elimination of errors. Sepsis DART™ improves sepsis outcomes and is included in the Patient Safety Movement’s Actionable Patient Safety Solutions. AWARE Sepsis DART™ system is proven to impact the outcome of real patients. Here is “Kevin Kronmiller’s story” about how AWARE Sepsis DART™ saved his life.

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Sepsis DART™ & the Importance of an Effective Sepsis Alert

Sepsis DART™ was developed with Mayo Clinic and is an end-to-end sepsis alert solution that is much more than just a sepsis patient tracker board. In recognizing and treating sepsis, there are essentially four things that are critical to effective sepsis treatment.  

    1. Early potential sepsis detection. Sepsis alert automation with Sepsis DART’s™ configurable notification approach, including the ability to deploy different notification in different units. This ability brings the potential development of sepsis to the attention of a provider or nurse while they are delivering care to their patients. Subtle changes may be taking place in the patient’s condition, and often the care team can become very focused on the current problem(s) they are dealing with and might miss the onset of sepsis without an effective sepsis alert.
    3. Early sepsis intervention. Firing a sepsis alert for a patient in the EHR is great but does absolutely no good unless a provider steps in, reviews the patient’s case, and declares that the patient does indeed have sepsis, and then begins to institute treatment. DART’s™ smart sepsis alerts drive early intervention. Using DART’s™ remote patient monitoring and bedside monitoring capability drives rapid response for potential septic patients.
    5. Timely delivery of all required sepsis care elements. The treatment bundle for sepsis is well defined, and when delivered comprehensively within the defined time windows, provides remarkable improvements in not only the survivability of sepsis, but also in reductions of total care and length of hospitalization for patients who acquire sepsis. Appropriate delivery of bundles facilitates consistent and timely application of evidence-based care and reduced practice variability. When the timely delivery of the correct care elements are in jeopardy a smart reminder, received by doctors and nurses, even if they are not in the EHR, will help ensure bundle completion.
    7. Automated Communication. Sepsis DART’s™ functionality provides automatic alerts and at-a-glance awareness of patient status, enabling bedside and remote patient monitoring of large numbers of patients simultaneously. Our sepsis alert solution also employs smart notifications that directly notify the right care givers at the right time of a potential sepsis development in a patient. Using smart escalation, Sepsis DART™ continues to notify care givers via a smart sepsis alert until someone on the team takes the appropriate action. Sepsis DART™ does this and simultaneously graphically tracks the delivery of the sepsis bundle (as appropriate for that patient) while providing both smart sepsis alert notification and smart sepsis alert escalation where elements of the bundle may be in jeopardy of not being delivered correctly or in a timely fashion.

    Sepsis DART™ Advantage

    Sepsis Dart™ includes an indicative sepsis alert that is configurable by each health system, and even configurable down to the hospital and unit level. As the patient moves, Sepsis DART™ moves with the patient following them from bed to bed. DART’s™ sepsis alert and communication platform enhances communications and care coordination oversight across your institution through providing an early sepsis alert facilitating automated monitoring and tracking of the entire sepsis treatment bundle. Sepsis DART’s™ capabilities include AWARE Clinical Control Tower™ allowing for both remote patient monitoring oversight as well as monitoring from both the patient bedside and nurses station keeping the entire sepsis rescue team on the same page for the best patient outcome. Ambient’s sepsis alert algorithms helps identify patients with potential sepsis that bedside clinicians may fail to recognize and treat in a timely manner. The Sepsis DART™ solution is designed to provide early automated sepsis alerts, drive timely intervention by a provider, and ensure that the care bundle for sepsis is effectively delivered. Sepsis DART™ does this in a way that decreases information overload, human error, interruption, and alert fatigue.
    • Follows the patient between department & facility transfers making it ideal for remote patient monitoring
    • Visually tracks delivery of the sepsis treatment bundle reducing errors and omissions in care
    • Intuitive & configurable solution that drives high CMS Bundle compliance for Sepsis
    • Provides both remote and distributed monitoring for better patient outcomes
    Sepsis Dart™ iOS allows physicians and nurses to use an iPhone or iPad, in addition to a browser, to monitor and receive a sepsis alert for patients, monitor treatment protocols, and guide the care team through detection and the care process itself.

    Sepsis DART™ Overview

    Ambient Clinical Analytics has developed an enterprise bedside and remote patient monitoring, clinical decision support and communication platform called Sepsis DART™ which assists hospitals with identifying potential sepsis, timely delivery and management of treatment, as well as reporting. Sepsis DART™ (Detection and Response Tool) is designed to analyze patient data and identify potential sepsis conditions early, offering medical staff the right information for detection, and using a smart sepsis alert and smart notifications, support tracking of the treatment process. It moves with the patient through different hospital services and environments, integrates with any EMR system, and is configurable for various institutional purposes. The Sepsis DART™ system using a sepsis alert, smart notifications and smart escalations monitors and communicates regarding all aspects of sepsis treatment bundles to the right practitioners at the right time, maintaining information on septic patients even between care locations and shifting staff. This reduces errors and omissions, as the entire care team understands on a real-time basis what treatment elements have and have not been delivered, and how much time is left to successfully complete treatment. Because Sepsis DART™ keeps all of the pertinent data for each case in a single repository, all centrally available and correlated to the “time zero” of the sepsis event, the effort required to abstract and report on sepsis cases is substantially reduced and that alone, not including improvements in outcomes and CMS compliance, often cost justifies any system costs. Learn more about The Roadmap for Solving Sepsis Using Sepsis Alert, Sepsis Surveillance, & Sepsis Detection in our white-paper. Contact us today to learn more how your hospital or health system can benefit from our sepsis alert systems; AWARE Sepsis DART™ and how it can be implemented within your health system.